Friday, February 01, 2008

this could be a problem...

my laptop. in a kagillion pieces. one itty, bitty crack deep inside constituted this massive disassembly. i am now told that there is a great possibility the reconstruction may not be so easy. it seems my computer "technicians" can't quite remember where all the pieces go and how they fit back together. anyone want to donate to my "new laptop fund"?

UPDATE on february 10 --
9 days later... it still looks exactly like the above picture. i am sad.


T-Rae said...

Oh sad!! Just promise me one thing....if you ever have to go in for any type of surgery, make sure you check out surgeon better than you check out your computer technitians...ok? :-) It would be a very bad thing for the surgeon to wonder where everything went after he took you apart and found the problem. :-O

(I have those same place mats!!!)

Julia said...

AW MAN! I'm sorry to see the carnage. Everything would screech to a complete halt over here if our computers failed us! I keep trying to remember to back up our systems because too many people around me have a crashing computer problem. :( If we come across a free laptop, it's yours!