Friday, April 18, 2008

only in tomball...

so, i went to target this evening. my first priority when i got there was the bathroom. i desperately needed to go. of course 3 of the 4 stalls are full and the 4th is "out of order". sigh. so, i stand by the paper towel dispenser praying i don't pee all over myself -- i mean, i seriously needed to go. i had drank a dr pepper on the way home from work and then about 3 glasses of iced tea at dinner... so i was dying. anyway, i'm impatiently waiting... and finally a door opens. out walks this woman with a pregnancy test in her hand. yes, folks, that's right -- a pregnancy test. i'm sure my mouth was hanging open at this point. in fact, i almost forgot that i needed to pee so badly. i mean, how random is that?! so, she smiles at me, says hi, and wraps her test up in a tissue, sets it on the shelf above the sink and washes her hands. meanwhile, i'm still standing there, because the woman in stall #2's little girl decides she's done waiting on her mom and needs her own stall. so, she beligerantly stares at me (okay, maybe i imagined that -- i was in pain by this point) while she waltzes in to my stall. ugh!! finally, it was my turn and i quickly got out of there. i texted amanda afterwards to tell her my story and as she eloquently put it "only in tomball".


Gila said...

Now, if you were Israeli, you probably would have asked her what the results were.


Kelly said...

actually, gila, i seriously considered it... then the pain in my bladder overwhelmed me again! haha

danabrown said...

that is so crazy! one time i was using the bathroom at target and i overheard a woman pooping... and she was on her cell phone, and it sounded like she was on a job interview.. talk about multitasking!