Sunday, June 22, 2008


i have a new laptop! after putting it off for a very long time (after this happened), i could no longer stand it. i had to strike a deal with my dad to swing it, but luckily i have the best daddy in the world and he helped me work it out. so far, i'm liking it. i desperately wanted a macbook, but i abandoned that dream in the reality of affording something in the very near future. so, i went with another hp. i really liked my hp and had no problems until chris spent a day with it and... well... let's just say it was never the same. although -- i should have attempted a repair long before i did -- had i done that, it may have been salvaged. oh well. so, here i am with the vista operating system. hopefully, that doesn't ruin my excitement over my new laptop...

1 comment:

Gila said...

Congrats! Use it in good health, as we say. :)